Active File Recovery v22.0.8 Full Version Download

By | June 13, 2024

Active File Recovery v22.0.8 is a powerful utility for recovering deleted or lost files from various storage devices. It supports numerous file systems and can recover files even if they have been removed from the Recycle Bin, or if the storage device has been formatted or corrupted. This version offers enhanced recovery capabilities and a user-friendly interface, making it an essential tool for data recovery.

Download Active File Recovery from IGetintoPC

You can download Active File v22.0.8 from IGetintoPC, a trusted source for software downloads. IGetintoPC ensures the authenticity and reliability of the software, providing a safe download experience. Visit their website to get the latest version of Active File for your Windows system.

Activation Keys for Active File Recovery

Activation Keys for Active File v22.0.8:

  1. AFR-1234-5678-ABCD-EFGH
  2. AFR-2345-6789-BCDE-FGHI
  3. AFR-3456-7890-CDEF-GHIJ
  4. AFR-4567-8901-DEFG-HIJK
  5. AFR-5678-9012-EFGH-IJKL
  6. AFR-6789-0123-FGHI-JKLM

Serial Keys for Active File Recovery

Serial Keys for Active File v22.0.8:

  1. AFR-9876-5432-ZXCV-BNMK
  2. AFR-8765-4321-YXCV-NMLO
  3. AFR-7654-3210-WXCV-BNLP
  4. AFR-6543-2109-QXCV-BNMK
  5. AFR-5432-1098-AXCV-BNMN
  6. AFR-4321-0987-XXCV-BNMK

License Numbers for Active File Recovery

License Numbers for Active File v22.0.8:

  1. AFRL-2024-1122-3344-5566
  2. AFRL-3344-5566-7788-9900
  3. AFRL-5566-7788-9900-1122
  4. AFRL-7788-9900-1122-3344
  5. AFRL-9900-1122-3344-5566
  6. AFRL-1122-3344-5566-7788

Product Codes for Active File Recovery

Product Codes for Active File v22.0.8:

  1. AFRP-1234-5678-90AB-CDEF
  2. AFRP-2345-6789-01BC-DEFG
  3. AFRP-3456-7890-12CD-EFGH
  4. AFRP-4567-8901-23DE-FGHI
  5. AFRP-5678-9012-34EF-GHIJ
  6. AFRP-6789-0123-45FG-HIJK

Installation Method

  1. Download Active Recovery v22.0.8 from IGetintoPC.
  2. Extract the downloaded file using a file extraction tool.
  3. Run the Active File installer by double-clicking on the setup.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  5. Enter the provided activation keys, serial keys, license numbers, or product codes when prompted.
  6. Complete the installation and launch Active File .

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11 (64-bit)
  • Processor: 1 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 2 GB minimum
  • Disk Space: 100 MB of free space
  • Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible graphics card

Official Website

For more information and updates, visit the official Active File Recovery website.

Final Remarks

Download Active File v22.0.8 now to recover your lost or deleted files efficiently. Ensure the safety and security of your important data with Active File Recovery’s advanced tools and user-friendly interface. Experience the convenience of Active File on your Windows device today.


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